Fallece Thurston Waffles, el gatito maullador protagonista del famoso meme「✔ Post」

Thurston Waffles es un gato conocido por su famoso meme, donde aparece maullando fuertemente, de una forma bastante peculiar y graciosa. Gatito que ha entregado además otros diferentes videos, muchos de ellos remixes, los cuales han sido compartido incluso con orgullo y cariño por sus humanos, quienes han entregado la sensible noticia de su fallecimiento.

El anuncio fue entregado en sus redes sociales, donde sus humanos cuentan tristes que no podían creer que estuvieran anunciando su partida, indicando que “hemos perdido a Thurston. Nos duele a su madre y a mí saber cuánto va a doler leer esto a muchos de ustedes”.

🌈 I can’t believe I’m even writing this but I have to tell you now that we’ve lost Thurston. It hurts his mom and I to know how much reading this is going to hurt so many of you. Your bond with him was real. Your bond with us is real. It’s always been palpable through the kind words you gave us and the jokes we made with our favorite little guy. I know this is going to feel sudden for you because it’s sudden for us as well. I just want to warn you upfront that I’m about to discuss what happened. I know it can be hard to read these kinds of details so I wanted you to be aware.

After 15 years we made a huge positive life change. During the one month since we got here Thurston was loving the new house. Only days before we lost him he was sprinting around the house like a kitten, which is why what happened next was so shocking and difficult to process.

We have been fighting what seems like a sinus infection for several weeks with him. The vets (we had two separate opinions) reasonably thought it had to be either a sinus infection or something related to his teeth. So after treating him with antibiotics and not having the problem go away, the vet suggested we do a dental since
They thought it most likely he had an abscessed tooth. they call us later that day to say that his teeth were all fine but they had found a mass. They asked if we wanted to do a CAT scan, to which we of course said yes, after which it was viewed by a radiologist who confirmed that it was nasal cancer.

Upon waking up, his sinus infection went into overdrive, did not respond to antibiotics, and two days later he was gone. I hope it comforts you to know that we did everything we could to make him feel happy and safe, and that his passing was a gentle one. He spent his last days in front of his favorite lamp with his mom and I making everything feel as normal as possible.

That said, his mom and I are completely devastated. They say dogs are man’s best friend, but mine was a cat. A shrimpy, sweet, lovable, goofy white cat. 
I’m not sure what to do with his social media from here. I’ve been going through his videos and so many of them still make me laugh. Maybe after we’ve had time to heal, Thurston can make you laugh again too. 🍤

All the love, Matt and Shelli
-I’m probably going to be off-line and not replying to comments, but I will read them and I thank you for all your kind words ❤️

Según indican en sus cuentas oficiales de Instagram y Twitter, Thurston se encontraba bien desde hace un par de semanas, corriendo como si fuera un gatito pequeño por toda la casa, pero que repentinamente se enfermó de lo que al principio parecía una sinusitis, la cual terminó siendo un cáncer nasal.

Una noticia que ha sido recibida con mucha tristeza por quienes seguían las cuentas oficiales del querido gatito, dejando comentarios de apoyo a sus humanos, quienes terminan diciendo en la publicación que “su madre y yo estamos completamente devastados. Dicen que los perros son los mejores amigos del hombre, pero el mío era un gato. Un gato blanco camaronero, dulce, adorable y tonto”.

Descansa en paz Thurston Waffles.